ISBN: 9788853023131
€ 11,50
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Author Mary Shelley
Language ENGLISH
Category Literature
Series Reading Classics
Level C1/C2

‘You are my creator, but I am your master; – obey!’, the creature’s chilling words to Victor Frankenstein have never had more relevance than now in this fast moving, unrestrained technological and digital age. Frankenstein’s wild ambition and reckless disregard for the natural process brings personal misery and total destruction to his community. This Reading Classics edition of Frankenstein is an opportunity to return to the text of Mary Shelley’s visionary tale of some 200 years which has been consistently misrepresented in popular culture for much too long.

  • Full biographical and critical introduction
  • Wide choice of activities to help students analyse the text in full
  • Numerous footnotes
  • Full recording of the text

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