Libro (144 p.) + CD audio/ROM
ISBN: 9788853012548
€ 15,30
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Destino DELE A1

Author Carmelo Valero Planas, Cristina M. Alegre Palazón, Leonor Quarello Demarcos
Language SPANISH
Category Examinations
Series Destino DELE
Level A1
Examinations DELE

Series’ features:
• clear and user-friendly units based on topics relevant to everyday life
• complete exam Practice Tests (five tests at level A1 and four at level A2)
• preparatory exercises for the exam based on the four language skills
• grammar and vocabulary revision sections with exercises aimed at consolidation.

• recordings of all of the listening exercises both in the units and the Practice Tests (Mp3 for A2)
• electronic version of the written and speaking tests for all Practice Tests

On line
• teacher’s book downloadable in pdf format
• audio files for the volumes also available in Mp3 format, and downloadable from the website.

For the TEACHER…
The Teacher’s Book contains:
• the solutions to all of the activities and Practice Tests in the volume
• the audio scripts of the audio tracks, study tips and practice exercises.

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